CNS Program Committee

The Program Committee consists of around 15 members appointed by the OCNS Board, based on nominations by the Program Committee from candidates among the CNS attendees and OCNS membership. Program Committee members serve a term of three years.

2023 Program Committee

Christiane Linster

Christiane Linster
Cornell University USA
CNS Program Chair
Paula Sanz-Leon

Paula Sanz-Leon
QIMR Berghofer, Australia
Deputy Program Committee Chair

Jugoslava Acimovic

Jugoslava Acimovic
Tampere University Tampere, Finland
Amélie Aussel

Amélie Aussel
INRIA, France
Axel Hutt

Axel Hutt
INRIA Nancy Grand Est, Strasbourg, France
Kuznietsov Illia

Kuznietsov Illia
Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Ukraine
Skirmantas Janusonis

Skirmantas Janusonis
University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Sang Wan Lee

Sang Wan Lee
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
Alberto Mazzoni

Alberto Mazzoni
Computational Neuroengineering Laboratory, The Biorobotics Institute, Italy
Athanasia Papoutsi

Athanasia Papoutsi
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB), Greece
Masanori Shimono

Masanori Shimono
Kyoto University, Japan
Ian Stevenson

Ian Stevenson
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Connecticut, USA
Daifeng Wang

Daifeng Wang
University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA


Program Committee for: 2024 | 2022