CNS*2022 Melbourne: Registration Fees

Different rates are charged for Students, Postdocs, and Faculty (and others) and OCNS Members receive large reductions in each category. You can apply to become a member; the total for membership fees + meeting registration for members is usually lower than meeting registration for non members.

Please note that the meeting schedule now includes a Mixed Day (July 19th). Attendees registered for the main meeting only can attend the workshop sessions being held on July 19th. Similarly, attendees registered for the workshops only are able to attend the main meeting (key note and poster session) on July 19th also. The last day of the meeting, July 20th, is reserved for workshops, as in the previous years.

Please also note that the main registration fee still
 excludes a banquet ticket. 

Early registration ends 7th June 2022, 11pm US Pacific time for non-members and 15th June 2022 for members. Afterwards, late registration fees are charged.

Note: you can add to your initial registration at a later date (e.g. add banquet ticket, tutorials, etc.).

(All prices are mentioned in USD)

 Student MemberStudentPostdoc MemberPostdocFaculty MemberFaculty
Main meeting only $160 (late: $200) $245 (late: $305) $200 (late: $255) $325 (late: $425) $290 (late: $375) $475 (late: $620)
Main meeting + tutorials + workshops $280 (late: $350) $425 (late: $525) $345 (late: $445) $565 (late: $735) $500 (late: $650) $825 (late: $1030)
Main meeting + tutorials $200 (late: $250) $305 (late: $375) $250 (late: $320) $405 (late: $525) $360 (late: $465) $590 (late: $770)
Main meeting + workshops $240 (late: $300) $365 (late: $455) $295 (late: $380) $485 (late: $630) $425 (late: $555) $705 (late: $925)
Tutorials only $60 (late: $75) $90 (late: $110) $75 (late: $95) $130 (late: $170) $110 (late: $140) $220 (late: $280)
Workshops only $110  (late: $140) $165  (late: $210) $135  (late: $175) $220 (late: $285) $195 (late: $255) $325 (late: $420)


Fees for accepted abstract publication in the supplement to BMC Neuroscience are covered by OCNS through the main registration fees.

Register for CNS*2022


Registration through this website opens on March 14th, 2022. Payment by credit card or check (complete payment only) in US dollars.  Checks should be sent to OCNS and arrive within two weeks of registration. The only acknowledgement of registration and payment is by e-mail. Make sure all necessary information (institution address, VAT, etc.) is entered in the appropriate box. If you need an invoice this should be requested well in advance. Certificates of attendance can be obtained at the meeting.

Cancellation and Refund Policy for Registration/Optional Fees

90% refund if cancelled by June 7 2022 (this reduction from 100% is to cover our transaction processing fees).
70% refund if cancelled by June 25, 2022.
No refund if cancelled after June 25 2022.

No partial refunds. Please e-mail us to request a cancellation. Costs for bank wire transfers may be charged.

Becoming a member after registration is not a valid reason for cancellation, the registration fees will not be refunded.