CNS*2020 Online: Call for TutorialsTutorial proposal submission instructions for CNS*2020Tutorials are intended as introductions into main methodologies of various fields in computational neuroscience. Tutorials are particularly tailored for early-stage researchers as well as researchers entering a new field in computational neuroscience. The tutorials are held on the first day, 18 July 2020, with a typical total attendance of ca. 100 students allowing for four concurrent sessions during the day.
As approved by the OCNS Board on July 13, 2019, accepted tutorials are eligible to receive maximum one travel award and tutorial registration waivers for 1-3 organizers depending on the length of the tutorial. Software showcase sessions do not receive any funding, travel award, or free registration. Submit tutorial proposals to tutorials AT Please compare it with the previous year’s tutorials. Note that our new format, the showcases, will be combined to one continuous afternoon program.
DEADLINE: Tutorial proposals should be submitted before January 31, 2020. Registration: Tutorial registration will occur through the OCNS registration website for CNS*2020. All tutorial participants, including speakers, must register. Each tutorial is eligible to receive tutorial registration waivers for 1-3 speakers (depending on the length of the tutorial). Travel awards: A limited number of Travel Awards will be available for tutorial organizers (maximum one Travel Award per tutorial). Priority will be given to postdocs and early career faculty. Travel Award amounts will be variable, depending on distance traveled. Please indicate which speakers you would like to be considered for this mechanism but take into account that there likely will be fewer Travel Awards than tutorials. The chair reserves the right to approve or not a registration waiver or a Travel Award based on seniority, with priority given to young researchers. Please address any questions to tutorials AT Anca Doloc-Mihu, Tutorials Chair for CNS*2020 |