CNS 2016 Jeju, South Korea: Workshops

2-day workshop
Wednesday 6 July and Thursday 7 July Methods of Information Theory in Compuational Neuroscience Organizers: Joseph T Lizier, Justin Dauwels, Taro Toyoizumi, Alexander G. Dimitrov, Lubomir Kostal Link:
Rooms : 301A + 301B
1-day workshops
Wednesday 6 July
Connectome: Structure and Large Scale Dynamics Organizers: Leonardo L. Gollo, James A. Roberts Link:
Room : 302
Dynamical principles in Neural circuits Organizers: Andrey Shilnikov, Akira Sakurai Link:
Room : 402A
Thursday 7 July
Statistical Analysis for Neural Time Series Organizers: Il Memming Park, Ian Stevenson Link:
Room : 302
Multi-Area Models of Cortex Organizers: Sacha Jennifer van Albada, Gustavo Deco Link:
Room : 402A
Half-day workshops
Cortical Microcircuits: Understanding network structure and function in cortical processing Organizers: Hamish Meffin, Anthony Burkitt Link:
Room : 303A + 303B Wednesday 6 July (Afternoon)
Recent advances and applications in real-time single-trial EEG analysis Organizers: Tzyy-Ping Jung, John K. Zao, Jee Hyun Choi Link:
Room : 303A + 303B