CNS 2013 Paris: July 13-18, 2013alt


  • The meeting abstracts are now available online. PDF version.
  • Here is an online version of the CNS 2013 program book.
  • Over 700 attendees have already registered for the meeting! This will be the largest CNS meeting ever.
  • Note that this year we have an extra plenary lecture before the welcome reception on Saturday July 13, by Dr. Logothetis starting at 17:15.
  • OCNS Members meeting on Tuesday July 16, 11 - 12 am.
  • The size of the poster boards will be for A0 format in the portrait orientation (120 cm high and 90 cm wide).


Local Organizers:

Boris Gutkin, Ecole Normale Supérieure

Gianluigi Mongillo, Université Paris Descartes

Alain Destexhe, CNRS Gif-sur-Yvette

Program Chair:

Astrid Prinz, Emory University

Program Committee

Invited Speakers:

Sophie DeneveEcole Normale Supérieure

Simon Laughlin, University of Cambridge

Nikos Logothetis, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen

Rafael Yuste, Columbia University, New York



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